WTT Wow lvl 70 warrior Eu Burning Blade server for any server lvl 80+ chinese char(prefer blader but can be other pure str i dont need nukers). I have id pass sq and sa im owner of this account + i can give guild wars account whit all campaings + expansion for another on same server account lvl 50+ char (can be nuker). Wow account is transfarable , you can change server and change name. If you want to change you need to have screenshoots and sa/sq and other crap to prove that you are owner of that account. My wow account haves lvl 70 warrior like i mentioned before, lvl 36 hunter whit twink lvl 39 epic bow and lvl 24 mage. Warrrior haves some epics from kara/bg's. Mining 300+ Enchanting 225+. Account dont have playtime left. But it haves tbc enabled can prove whit taking screens from website and taking photos of game boxes. I dont need scamers so dont even try to scam Pm here and later i will tell how to contact me. Best offer wins.Trading 70 WOW PRIEST FULL EPIC! GOOD GEAR for sro account! 60+ XIAN