Looking to trade my WoW account, been paying member to blizzard since 2007 and haven't played in over a year. Just recently stopped playing and no longer wish to play it, there for I wish to trade it for an Eve Account. (A game I currently and actively play) To be noted; the account also has Diablo 3 attacked with a maxed level and decent geared Barbian. The WoW account has the following toons: 110 Holy Paladin - human 110 Beast Mastery Hunter - Dwarf 100 Retribution Paladin - Dwarf 100 Arms Warrior - Dreani 100 Holy Paladin - Blood Elf 100 Discipline Priest - human 95 Restoration Shaman - Dwarf 94 Destruction Warlock -human 90 Windwalker Monk - Dwarf 86 Unholy Death Knight - Human I'm looking at what I can get, just post offers here and I'll get back to you asap! Emailing to my account is fine too! Thanks in advance!