Sold Trading WTT Super good POE account for RO (eu) account

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tachi0ga, 5/30/17.

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  1. tachi0ga

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    Im owner of 5 diffrent PoE accounts and im wanting to trade a account for a Ro EU account.

    Poe acccount im offering, has 2 chars, lots of maps, lots and lots of IG currency.

    1. Char is a ranger, with tornado shot build and is godlike, does sick dmg, survives pretty much anything.

    2. Char is Trapper that is atm using poisonfall trap build and also is super fun to play and easy to use for farming.

    I bought the account with 120$, used my own money (around another 120€) to get some improvements to gear and curreny boost that was needed to get it going.

    Screenshots if intrested

    What i would like to have in return.

    Ro (Revelation Online account ) FROM EU side.

    Your account should be worth of atleast 120$ and have some potential.

    And most of all hopefully it has bogus email that comes with the account, or has a premade email change token to use.

    Rest of details and information sharing we can talk more at contact point.

    Best regards


    You can contact me either pm here or through Skype id (tachi0ga)
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