Sold Trading WTT My 5 Kahrun Asmo Accounts - for Your - 1 Kahrun Elyos Account

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by doodler222, 11/25/16.

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  1. doodler222

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    WTT MY 5 Kahrun Asmo Accounts for YOUR 1 Kahrun Elyos Account

    I have five Asmo Kahrun Accounts > want to trade for 1 Elyos Kahrun Account.

    The Elyos MUST be between level 62 and 65 but no higher than level 65. Some kinah on them please.

    They changed the cap for Cygenia and I want to farm this zone using this because my characters are too high and I don't want to create a new character.

    I'm seeking a Kahrun Elyos that is decently PvE geared -- and any of these: Songweaver or Spiritmaster (my preference is SW or SM) -- / or / Sorcerer / or / Templar / or / Gladiator

    For the Asmodians - each are female and most (90%) have decent gear and mounts.

    Account One (all 66+)
    - Templar
    - Gladiator
    - Spiritmaster

    Account Two (all 66+)
    - Sorcerer
    - Gunner

    Account Three (all 66+)
    - Ranger

    Account Four (all 66+)
    - Chanter

    Account Five (all 66+)
    - Gladiator
    - Songweaver (on Tiamat / Also Asmodian )

    - Yes they all have kinah
    - The ones on Kahrun / Asmo - are in one legion - items in legion bank
    - Each have kinah - an average of 100-340k each
    - Some have high level crafting / gathering

    WHY? I'm trying to think down my alts due to school and work. I'm just looking for a character geared well enough to farm Cygenia for me - since they opened it up to fast-track and fast-track is now up to and at 65. I basically got addicted to making characters and it got away from me. I work and go to school and running luna on each character (all accounts over all) took 3 hours. It's time to thin them down and play smarter - not harder. Instead of using a high level to farm specific mats in Cygenia - I want one to use on FTS to farm same items with no chance of PvP interrupting me.

    NOTE: Some of these accounts have had their password changed in the last 30-90 Days (3 I think) but I have the email information, which you can have with the account. Two are hotmail and the rest are gmail. These ARE good accounts, decent to really good gear (Chanter has the best gear - really well done). Many Luna items n stones sitting in each account.

    They are all (except the one on Tiamat) in the same legion - no one knows I am the owner. I don't group or have friends. No worries.
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