Hi, I'm selling my friends wizard, since he doesn't have an account here. It's fully farmed to its level (88). Set is +3 to +4 full blue, accessories +4 as well. In the storage are a lot of elixirs and scrolls, also there are some +3 to +4 items to stall and some +5 ones too. And a 85+3 staff to wear, since it's wearing a 85+0 atm(failed +5 -> +7). It has a few silks on it, angel wings, wizard set and clown accessory(playerup.com on the back). Money is 20 mill. He is a thief. Also, I have to point out that it DOESN'T HAVE a secret question. And because of that I'm selling it very cheap, since I'm going to play on Mars. There, I think all has been said, and I accept money in Mars ONLY. Offering starts at 350 million gold in Mars. Whoever bets 350 or more, gets it. If only one offer of 350 million, he gets it. I'm not in a hurry, so you'll have time to gather money if you wish to buy it. Also, I WILL NOT go first, no matter what. I've enough of these scams. Contact: ***************************************************** Pictures: *Names have been blocked for the buyers reputation to stay. And the reputation IS good. The first one is the one where I was hunting Lord at 87. It's old. The second one is this: Sadly, I don't have any more of them. But perhaps I could take some if you're interested, but I will send them only through MSN.Selling sell 82 nuker Xian with items