Sold Trading WTT army 3 gladiator 75 ap gear,73 lvl for temp,glad in grendal More info belo

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by petergod2003, 9/21/17.

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  1. petergod2003

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    The gladiator is in Hellion Eu
    73 lvl army 3 star
    Paradise polearm +5 combined with arenas,power +7 manas and lighting dragon polearm skin in it,silence godstone
    75 ap gladiator breastplate +12 attack/crit manastones
    75 ap gladiator hands +1 power +7/acc +7 manastones
    75 ap gladiator shoulders +4 power +6,7/acc +6 manastones
    Arena boots gladiator's +8 attack/crit,power +6,acc +6/7 manastones
    Arena pants gladiator's +5 power +7 manastones
    +5 rune warrior's holy opal necklace
    +5 rune warrior's holy opal earring
    +2 high Archon praetor's war earring
    +4 rune warrior's holy leather Belt
    +4 rune warrior's holy opal ring
    +4 rune warrior's holy opal ring
    +4 arena helm
    +5 wings(Archon special ops commander's holy daeva wings)
    +6 Enchanced feather Attack/crit (Golden)
    65 Lvl extendable polearm combined with strife eternal silence godstone
    Also gladiator has half pve gear makarna holy apollons and uses 2 parts of pvp gear for pve(arena boots,pants)
    Gladiator has a lot of items candys,scrolls,food etc.
    Selling or Trading for A glad,temp Mby Sm in Grendal
    Contact me on my email ([email protected])
    Or add me in skype (petergod2004)
    Or comment here so ill add you in Facebook.
    #1 petergod2003, 9/21/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/4/18
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