Sold [Trading] Wts, wtb gold archeage new servers : EU Prophecy NA Reckoning NA Vengeance

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sellers AndFriends, 12/22/16.

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  1. Sellers AndFriends

    Sellers AndFriends
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    Greetings from SELLERS & FRIENDS!

    ArcheAge 3.0 is HERE!

    We started Selling GOLD on FRESH START SERVERS!

    [RECKONING] 6 USD = 100 Gold
    [VENGEANCE] 6 USD = 100 Gold

    [PROPHECY] 5 USD = 100 Gold!

    We are also looking for SUPPLIERS.

    Contact us @ Sellers and Friends | lineage 2 adena, mmo gold ,archeage gold ,eso gold ,mmo sell , buy gold , cheap gold, mmo gold , blade and soul gold , fifa coins , final fantasy XVI gold via:

    Skype / LiveChat! / Fanpage / TeamSpeak

    And order GOLD NOW!

    Don't forget to like our fanpage and keep updated with all the promotions!
    Sellers AndFriends | Facebook.


    You have too much gold/items that you would like to sell? Or you need to buy some?
    No more time to play 'cause of work or your Wife blackmails you with a divorce 'cause you're playing too much ?

    CONTACT US ! and let's fix this problem together

    We are providing professional service for:

    - Buy / Sell GOLD or ITEMS
    - Cashout
    - GOLD transfer between servers
    - Middleman

    Visit Sellers and Friends | lineage 2 adena, mmo gold ,archeage gold ,eso gold ,mmo sell , buy gold , cheap gold, mmo gold , blade and soul gold , fifa coins , final fantasy XVI gold and contact us!



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