I AM ONLY LOOKING FOR PS4 NA ACCOUNT. Added game time 6/14/2017 I am the Original Owner 100% secure. Great Account to get into the game and play or make gold. Farm Herbs, Skins, Mining, Dailys/instance with multi toons. For more info please contact me on Skype: ALABSHIRE (ask for recent update armory they aren't updateing it seems on links) POST BEFORE CONTACTING 110 Paladin ( Horde ) ilvl http://legion.maskedarmory.com/armor...f68d0c2dc87dfb 110 Rogue( Alliance ) http://legion.maskedarmory.com/armor...f68d0c2dc87dfc 110 DeathKnight (Alliance)( 1 Legendary) http://legion.maskedarmory.com/armor...78ed18fe3168d9 110 alliance mage http://legion.maskedarmory.com/armor...78ed18fe3167f3 110 rogue ( Horde ) http://legion.maskedarmory.com/armor...435231a7823fb3 110 Priest ( Horde ) http://legion.maskedarmory.com/armor...435231a7823fb4 110 Paladin (Alliance) http://legion.maskedarmory.com/armor...ffe96059cc9d24 110 warlock (Alliance) http://legion.maskedarmory.com/armor...ffe96059cc9db4 Illidan Horde Alts 110 Warrior ( Professions: Mineing 674 & Engineering 330 ) 110 Druid 100 Hunter 91 mage 90 DK 88 Shaman 80 Monk(tich) Bonechewer Allince Alt 90 Warrior 88 Druid 81 Priest