Sold Trading wanting to trade war, fk and 60 monk for monk/sin or pro heal or pro sin

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by skiddydabs, 8/25/16.

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  1. skiddydabs

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    kik is skiddydabs i wont put all the info in here but my was has enlightened shield max craft and gb axes and regular axes and only 1 t4 pice crafted and 3 blue t4s
    the k has 5/6 t4 about half and half of dps and tank and it has the mount sky jade rabbit that you can only get from wheel the full white one i just dont have enough gold for permit atm and it has some pendants
    comes with a 63 heal with mili pendant i have all the screen shots on kik so msg me there if interested i will accept all offers btw

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