Trading Want To Trade Runescape Level 107 For Guild Wars Gold

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    I'm looking for a Guild wars account with 150k+ for my level 113 (combat level) Runescape account. It has 1573 total level, Full Saradomin set, over 900k, some other items, and still has 30 days of membership left. So post your email or a comment if your interested, Or conact my email: ***************************************************** P.S. I will accept easy selling items (rare mini pets, rare weapons, etc) + cash for my account istead of trading an account for an account. Also, I will not be trading first, however we can exchange contact info with each other and talk voice to voice or we can somehow manage something together.
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