title says everything + my msg ***************************************************** Account for Sale Main Character Information Buying B> Ulti LGA/Godly Blade Gear (Lawolf)Title says it all. Account for Sale Main Character Information Selling Perins on Mushpoie!Hey everyone! I'm selling 11 Perins for Mushpoie server. Offer away! I would like to get payed through PayPal, or Perins on the Aibatt server You go first unless your iTrader rating is better then mine! Add me on : ***************************************************** ~Exspire Account for Sale Main Character Information Selling Selling/Trading Lvl 64 FS RMwell name says it all, lvl 64, full int, dont ask about equips cause my equips are quite worthless considering FS are hardly rich i have the lvl 59 npc set and lvl 64 npc stick Skills are wat FS 's skills are suppose to be like (max heal, max buffs, etc etc) i am willing to sell or trade this character. This character is on glaphan. Account for Sale Main Character Information Trading Trading lvl 88 blade for a lvl 80+BPHello everyone,im new in this forum,but i heard that people make deals and trade acccounts. Well here is my offer. Trading a Blade lvl 88 for a Bp lvl 80+. I do not accept bps lvl 75, i accept if it is lvl 78-80 or +. If you accept plz pm me your , or leave an aswer. (I HATE FAKE GUYS,THIS IS A DEAL NOT FAKE!! PLZ ) Blade Build: 126STR 40STA 50DEX 15INT Account for Sale Main Character Information Trading Glaphan Items for Perin on MiaI have 60m on Glaphan. I also have Blessing of Goddess, some CS stuff, rings....jewelry. Pm me for more info. I'll only go first if you've got better feedback than me. I also have Gaiaonline account with a lot of things, so feel free to trade penya for any gaiaonline items I might have. Pm me for more info/post. Account for Sale Main Character Information Selling Lvl 100 Naked RM on LawolfIm selling my lvl 100 RM on lawolf on 67% Its Female It got bunny ears on it and some general things Im not looking for Flyff things Offer me anything else Account for Sale Main Character Information Selling Selling Account on Clockworksdelete this post or show me how too