I started this game when it came out on global at the first day, played like 4-5 months and then quitted. Now started again a couple of days ago and got some lucky pulls. I'm looking for a moderate global account. My story is kinda fresh since loads of stuff came in to the game and i really didnt do any of them. Also events are fresh as well. Its like a fairly new account. I can also give my other game accounts as well if its necessary. Please feel free to ask anything from here or Facebook.. My ffrk account is bound to a gaming Facebook. account which will be given with its email address and password. The other accounts im willing to give are Logres JP account and Digimon Masters account. My personal Facebook. link: https://www.Facebook..com/profile.php?id=699955019 Screenshot link: https://imageshack.us/a/RsCl/1 Thank you.