Sold Trading Trading my EU account with 4 S rank characters for a dual-wielder account

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xMikasa, 8/8/17.

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  1. xMikasa

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    Hi there,

    As explained in the title, I am trading my EU account, all infos are bellow :

    This account posses the best overall character at the moment :

    [Summer Girl] Suhuga

    I also have 3 other S rank characters :

    [Tropical Lover] Asuna
    [Summer Princess] Alice
    [Born Genius] Eugeo

    A few other 4 stars characters from summons and events, and 4 good weapons as you can see in the pictures below.
    I started this account 4 months ago, I placed rank 10 at almost every ranked event, currently I'm placed 7th at the last one.
    I cleared all the story, I have tons of items and all characters max level are maxed out.

    I would like to trade for an account with at least [Celestial Dance] Yuuki, or [Tropical Beach Boy] Kirito, or maybe [Raindrops Girl] Rain.

    I will consider every offers (if I get at least one) but I spent real time and real money on this account, so please make a serious and fair offer if you do.



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