Sold Trading Trading LoL account for DFO gold

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by r4t, 3/14/17.

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  1. r4t

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    Trading my account for either $100 KK or 150M gold in DFO. Original owner. Season 6 Gold V.

    Headhunter Akali
    Longhorn Alistar
    Red Riding Annie
    Sweetheart Annie
    Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol
    Freljord Ashe
    Galactic Azir
    Elderwood Bard
    Headhunter Caitlyn
    Bioforge Darius
    Infernal Diana
    Sandstorm Ekko
    Shadow Evelyn
    Arcade Ezreal
    Ace of Spades Ezreal
    PROJECT Fiora
    Super Galaxy Fizz
    Gentleman Gnar
    Cutthroat Graves
    Arcade Hecarim
    High Noon Jhin
    Tempest Janna
    SKT Jax
    Jayce Brighthammer
    Full Metal Jayce
    Blood Moon Kalista
    Order of the Lotus Karma
    Slay Belle Katarina
    Grim Reaper Karthus
    PROJECT Katarina
    Riot Kayle
    Wicked LeBlanc
    Deathblossom Kha'zix
    Iron Solari Leona
    Striker Lucian
    PROJECT Lucian
    Star Guardian Lux
    Commando Lux
    Victorious Maokai
    Head Hunter Master Yi
    Infernal Nasus (Legendary)
    World Breaker Nasus
    Dreadknight Nasus
    Warring Kingdoms Nidalee
    Bewitching NIdalee
    Challenger Nidalee
    Eternum Rek'sai
    Night Hunter Rengar
    Super Galaxy Rumble
    Dark Crystal Ryze
    Pirate Ryze
    Wild Card Shaco
    TPA Shen
    Super Galaxy Shyvana
    Black Scourge Singed
    Mecha Zero Sion
    Warden Sivir
    Silent Night Sona
    Atlantean Syndra
    Blood Moon Talon
    Badger Teemo
    Omega Squad Teemo
    Firefighter Tristana
    The Magnificent Twisted Fate
    Pickpocket Twitch
    Spirit Guard Udyr
    Definitely Not Udyr
    Arclight Vayne
    Arclight Vel'Koz
    Soulstealer Vladimir
    Academy Vladimir Captain Volibear
    Tundra Hunter Warwick Marauder Warwick
    General Wukong
    Blood Moon Yasuo
    PROJECT Yasuo

    Katarina and Vladimir are player rank 7. Have standard set of runes (atk dmg, armor/health, magic res) + some utility runes.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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