Trading Trading iOS global account with SF and multiple DF's for an Android EU account

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 8lue3n3rgy, 2/5/17.

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  1. 8lue3n3rgy

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    I'm looking to trade my iOS global account for an Android EU account.

    Specs iOS account:
    1 SF Meditor Montem - Ascension lvl 2
    3 DF's --> 1 DF +
    Lots of other strong epics

    I would like the Android EU account i'm trading for is stronger then the EU account i already have, that means at least 6 DF's, among them season 4 and higher.

    I can provide screenshots if necessary.

    Contact via LINE for negotiation of the account --> LINE ID: 8lue3n3ry <-- (NOTICE THERE IS NO G)
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