Looking to trade my Global account. You pay mm or go first. I will not go first under any circumstances, however I am more than happy to use any certified mm from this website. The Account: https://imgur.com/a/4N349 Notable things about this account: 5 Nat 5: Anavel, Ariel, Laika, Seara, Teshar 27 Total 6* MAXED SPEED TOTEM Toan already completed for this month, took me less than 2 hours 250 storage slots Core 4* Units: Chasun, Verde, Galleon, Lushen, Hwa, Fei, along with dozens of other important 4* units Contact me on Line for more information: synergyrl or just message me on here I'm looking for a similar account, server doesn't really matter, good runes are a must