Sold Trading Trading eso ps4 eu 860 cp account for pc eu account

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by azwawa929, 5/19/17.

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  1. azwawa929

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    I am trading my PS4 EU account wich means my psn account for an ESO PC EU account who as approximately the same stuff as me or less, //And few DC characters at least// Because im done with console

    My account has :
    - 860 CP
    - 3 more months eso plus and ps4 plus from now
    -8 characters : EP mag SORC dark elf / DC mag sorc high elf / EP stam sorc Redguard / DC stam sorc redguard / DC stamplar redguard Pvp rank 42 / EP mag dk dark elf / DC stam dk regduard / EP mag nb high elf
    ALL undauted 9 and pvp rank 12 + at least

    -1 Milion gold
    -9 traits and all crafting skills on the mag sorc EP
    -ALL Gold sharpened VMA weapons and other traits, vdsa resto staff ...
    - Lot of gear like all pvp sets fury, ravager weapons and gear, hunding rage, Amber plasm full gear gold... spinner, pve sets like tbs gold and others, ALL the Monster sets, best traits in gold
    -dro matra skin, amber plasm..
    -Lots of mounts bought and costumes
    -My Youtube channel : or search Azwawa92 eso on yt

    PM if interested to trade, scammer pass your way i am not dumb :)
    We will agree on a deal, im free to chat on skype or other, i will change the email and all the stuff on the psn account, you will do the same on the pc account
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