Trading Trading A Gold Major/red First Lieutenant

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    Gold Major Specs: 449 SP 618,671 exp Points *Ihop* Codename Psg, M4A1, Beretta, 2 smoke, 2 frag, 2 flash Every Character 3 G Coin Red First Lieutenant Specs: 19,108 SP 88,988 Exp points Volume_own Codename Galil, G3a3, Awp, Psg, Beretta, 2 smoke and 2 frag nades Minium Requirements For Gold Major: Lvl 80 2m Minium requirements For First Lieutenant: Lvl 80 5m 50 Magic If You want To trade I Will NOT Give The Accounts Passwords First. You Have To Give me The Accounts Name And Pass So I Can Check it Out, Than Ill tell You The Sign In Name Of the Account On SF, than You tell me The recoveries For The RS, Account Than I tell You the Password And Recovery question For SF Account. Dont trust Me, I Dont care. ***************************************************** Pal150 added 2 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...< --- Please use the edit button in the future--- > By the Way My Rules Are So Specific Because Ive Been Scammed So Many Times Before.
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