Selling Trading TI7 Immortals

Discussion in 'DOTA 2 Items for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by [DA].Rebel(Cc), 8/5/17.

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  1. [DA].Rebel(Cc)

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    Got rare and very rare Ti7 Immortals. Willing to trade them for bettable items. (Can also trade multiple immortals for Arcanas)

    Have Immortals:

    2x Kotl Immortal
    2x Brood Immortal
    2x Lifestealer golden very rare Immortal
    1x Weaver golden very rare Immortal
    1x CK goldenr very rare Immortal

    Add me on steam for further details or trade offers:

    Note: Even though those Immortals can be only gifted I assure you that this will be the easy exchange. I can give you my personal information if required, have conversation with you on multiple social media if you will be willing before we do the trade.
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