Selling Trading the Senkei account for a dokkan account...

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Demetrius Gibson, 6/24/16.

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  1. Demetrius Gibson

    Demetrius Gibson
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    Trading the Senkei account for a dokkan account or maybe a jp bravesouls the bottom is my new account (The name was me trying to see if Klab blocked profanity but you get a lot of friend request from having that name first day I had the account already had 30+ friends)
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    Hayden Stephens

    Hayden Stephens
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    Fresh brand new
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  3. OP
    Demetrius Gibson

    Demetrius Gibson
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    No thx I have an account with Ssj 3 Goku agl and Beerus on global and my jp is too good to be traded or overwritten
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