This account has multiply character on TERA US/NA, Server: Mount Tyrannas 65 GUNNER 401: Fully +12 Dreadnaught Perf Etched + Rolled Crit / Crit.Factor Jewerly + Crystals 65 REAPER 402: Fully +12 Dreadnaught Perf Etched + Rolled Fully Crit build. Best Glyps build (My Opinion) 65 ZERK 394: x3 +12 Schisma geared Schisma Foot +0 **SCREENSHOT BELOW** Account has, 7k Gold many perm mounts. many perm costumes! ESPECIALLY I WOULD LIKE TO TRADE MY ACCOUNT FOR A HIGH END 1 MAINED CHARACTER. GUNNER OR REAPER BUT PREFERABLY A SORC u are able to negotiate with me. but keep it guinely Regards,