Selling Trading T5 Russian tanks, T4 America an UK, 10 Prems, will trade for any tier 5 acc

Discussion in 'WarThunder Accounts for Sale' started by preferred outcomes, 9/7/17.

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  1. preferred outcomes

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    Best vehicles: Russia t54/47, is3. America:T28, T34. Japan: St-a1, type 60 sprg. Uk: caernavron. Germany: tiger e, panther d, pzbfw VI. Also: 10 premiums, all tier 4 and 3, none of that t1 bs, 5 or 6 talismans , and a large bush. Looking to trade that account with another acc with any tier 5 ground forces other than russia. Or if you want it, I sell it for 50 euros. Will provide screenshots of each tech tree to anyone interested.Pm me or email me at [email protected].
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