Trading T>455$ League of legends account 78 skins for 7B ED for any HL female skin

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jasonovermyer, 12/8/16.

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  1. jasonovermyer

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    Was gold season 5 and season 6

    I will trade the account first and if you want to look at the account add me on skype and I will screen share it for you so you can see the account and the skins and the champs on it.
    If you want to see the league account send me youre skype name and ill add you as soon as I get on. Skype: jason.overmyer.96 if it doesnt work message me youre skype name and ill add you please ^.^
    The account is also NA

    Skins OWNED:
    Ahri ---
    Foxfire Ahri 975RP
    Popstar Ahri 975RP
    Challenger Ahri EXCLUSIVE
    Dynasty Ahri 975
    Akali ---
    Nurse Akali 975RP
    Blood Moon Akali 975RP
    Silverfang Akali 975RP
    Alistar ---
    Unchained Alistar EXCLUSIVE
    Annie ---
    Goth Annie EXCLUSIVE
    Ashe ---
    Woad Ashe 520RP
    Heartseeker Ashe 975RP
    Caitlyn ---
    Headhunter Caitlyn 975RP
    Cho'Gath ---
    Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath 1820RP
    Diana ---
    Dark Valkyrie Diana 975RP
    Elise ---
    Death Blossom Elise 975RP
    Fiora ---
    Nightraven Fiora 750RP
    Fizz ---
    Void Fizz 1350RP
    Garen ---
    Dreadknight Garen 975RP
    Heimerdinger ---
    Snowmerdinger EXCLUSIVE
    Elderwood Hecarim 1350
    Jax ---
    Jinx ---
    Mafia Jinx 975RP
    Firecracker Jinx 1350RP
    Slayer Jinx EXCLUSIVE
    Kalista ---
    Blood Moon Kalista 975RP
    Championship Kalista EXCLUSIVE
    Katarina ---
    Mercernary Katarina 520RP
    Bilgewater Katarina 975RP
    Kitty Cat Katarina EXCLUSIVE
    High Command Katarina 750RP
    Slay Belle Katarina EXCLUSIVE
    Kha'Zix ---
    Mecha Kha'Zix 1350RP
    Kindred ---
    Shadowfire Kindred 1350RP
    Kog'Maw ---
    Caterpillar Kog'Maw EXCLUSIVE
    Jurassic Kog'Maw 975RP
    Leona ---
    Valkyrie Leona 520RP
    Defender Leona EXCLUSIVE
    Lucian ---
    PROJECT: Lucian 1350RP
    Lux ---
    Steel Legion Lux 975RP
    Malzahar ---
    Vizier Malzahar EXLCUSIVE
    Master Yi ---
    Ionia Master Yi 975RP
    Headhunter Master Yi 975RP
    PROJECT: Yi 1820RP
    Miss Fortune ---
    Arcade Miss Fortune 1350RP
    Morgana ---
    Ghost Bride Morgana 975RP
    Nasus ---
    Infernal Nasus 1820RP
    Nidalee ---
    French Maid Nidalee 520RP
    Headhunter Nidalee 975RP
    Nocturne ---
    Eternum Nocturne 1820RP
    Pantheon ---
    Dragonslayer Pantheon 1350RP
    Rammus ---
    Full Metal Rammus 975RP
    Rek'Sai ---
    Eternum Rek'Sai 1350RP
    Rengar ---
    Headhunter Rengar 975RP
    Riven ---
    Battle Bunny Riven 975RP
    Shaco ---
    Asylum Shaco 975RP
    Sivir ---
    Huntress Sivir EXCLUSIVE
    Victorious Sivir EXCLUSIVE
    Sona ---
    DJ Sona 3250RP
    Soraka ---
    Reaper Soraka EXCLUSIVE
    Syndra ---
    Justicar Syndra 975RP
    Atlantean Syndra 975RP
    Thresh ---
    Championship Thresh EXCLUSIVE
    Tristana ---
    Dragon Trainer Tristana 1820RP
    Udyr ---
    Spirit Guard Udyr 3250RP
    Vayne ---
    Dragonslayer Vayne 975RP
    Veigar ---
    Superb Villain Veigar 975RP
    Vel'Koz ---
    Battlecast Vel'Koz 1350RP
    Yasuo ---
    High Noon Yasuo 975RP
    PROJECT: Yasuo 1350RP
    Zed ---
    PROJECT: Zed 1350RP
    Ziggs ---
    Major Ziggs EXCLUSIVE

    ---- 87045RP - 19750RP = 67295RP (=$455)

    15000RP = $100
    60000RP = $400
    67200RP = $450
    67850RP = $455

    Value of champs owned by their RP/$$$ cost = ~$455 total

    # of skins 78
    ---- RP of skins = 62170 RP

    Value of skins (excluding "exclusive" skins) owned by their RP/$$$ = ~$410 total

    Value of vault skins owned by their $$$ =

    Champions NOT Owned:
    Brand -880
    Darius -975
    Cassiopeia -880
    Galio -880
    Gragas -790
    Illaoi -975
    Jayce -975
    Jhin -975
    Maokai -880
    Nautilus -880
    Rumble -880
    Shen -790
    Skarner -880
    Swain -880
    Tahm Kench -975
    Trundle -880
    Varus -880
    Viktor -880
    Volibear -880
    Yorick -880
    Zac -975
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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