Selling Trading Selling/Trading Rocket League items

Discussion in 'Rocket League Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Rageevan12, 9/14/16.

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  1. Rageevan12

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    Hey i recently started to play rocket league,
    and i had the idea to buy 5 keys and got very rare items that i would like to earn on.

    Just OFFER you price or whatever on the items.
    Mobilepay or Paypal
    Overpay in csgo or tf2 items, maybe anything else too is also okay.
    csgo/tf2 Keys is the best way to buy. (maybe cheaper)

    Here is a screenshot of all my items i can trade and the RX-T takumi car, photo below. (Total 2 photos)

    Skype: Rageevan.erambamoothy
    if u want to contact me, im not on steam unless i play. And i dont add randomly for nothing.


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