Trading Trading/Selling NA, VoT, lvl 65 Berserker, ilvl 402 (dread +12, +9 boots) for EU account

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by magictooth, 4/2/16.

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  1. magictooth

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    I accidentally created this account on the NA version and only realized my mistake a month and a half later, sadly my ping is too high to PvP properly on NA servers. I would like to trade for an EU account of same/higher/lower equivilent. Cash can be added in addition to my account if your EU account is worth more. I am looking to play Zerker on EU too.

    This is a Lvl 65 Elin Berserker, got +12 Dread on all except the Boots, simple quickcarve & superior Cleanising brooch. Blue +12 Crit Innerwear. 32k Killing Spree credits (100k for Dyad on this server).
    I have unlocked all glyphs except 1 useless glyph that is shown on my screen shot.
    Has 5 Armor Dyads and 1 Weapon Dyad which has very good rolls for PvP. One blue dyad which is useless and can be used for combining later and one red dyad that is also useless. PvE Fine Niveots in the inventory as seen on my screen shot.
    A couple of Starfall materials in the bag as seen on screen shot, along with Crystalbinds and Crystalbind tier 8, should you choose to re-roll the stats for PvE.
    A bit over 13,5k in gold as of now, alot of items worth for selling, would estimate around 25k in total value, maybe more.
    Has Red Plasma Axe and Blue Plasma Axe, (35k value each) aswell as Argent Order Helmet (35-40k Value). These are NA exclusive costuming stuff. This character looks like a silver & light blue armored Elin with a laser-like Axe. (not shown in picture)
    Bank has 2 tabs.
    It has Elite Status (monthly premium feature) that lasts a bit over mid April. Along with 10 Elite Gift Box saved up for upcoming patch with better contents to this box.

    I think that pretty much sums it up, feel free to add me on Skype: noobnoobnoob4 (please state that you are interested in the account on the friend request)

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