Trading/selling AQ, DF, MQ, AQW & ED Accounts

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest Accounts | Buy AQ Account' started by Facebook, 7/6/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I have total of one account in each game, but ED, in which I have 2 accounts for sale/trade..:

    AQ Acc - *****************************************************

    DF Acc - *****************************************************

    MQ Acc - *****************************************************

    AQW Acc - *****************************************************

    1. ED Acc - *****************************************************

    2. ED Acc - *****************************************************


    AQ, DF, and AQW chars are mostly up-to-date, while on MQ acc, I tend to get Monthly Mechas and seasonal rares but rarely.. Also, DF acc has 2 pieces of Doom Knight !! And, AQW acc still has about 2K ACs left !!!

    ED Accounts.. I didn't play much recently so they could be a bit outdated..



    AQ - $80-100

    DF - $50-70

    MQ - $15-25

    AQW - $35-60

    1. ED - $50-70

    2. ED - $30-50


    If trading... Hmm.. Suggest me some accounts that you have (ex. AQ Account that has like 50K Tokens, and high lvl -- that kind of stuff) or in some different games.



    Either PM me or mail me, *****************************************************

    ok email me at ***************************************************** and we can organise some sought of trade for the aqworlds account ok?


    It's still up people !!


    i m selling this free player acc in ex of a star captian account any lv and should have a few or more nova gems :P email me @ *****************************************************

    i'm interested

    added you on msn

    i can trade ur epic duel account for a beta account in aqworlds or a 124 x-guardian for it ok ??

    msg me and we can discuss more..

    for the aqw account ill give you my df da account

    my non member main aqw char and a aq x guardian

    i'm interested in the aqw and ED account

    i've added you on msn, please come online
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