Sold Trading ROBLOX account worth over 2K +

Discussion in 'Roblox Items for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Item' started by /u/UseIllustrious6090, 3/10/23.

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  1. /u/UseIllustrious6090

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    Items it has:

    Headless Horseman: 31k / Violet Valkyrie: 50k / korblox: 17k / cousin tentacles: 7k /playful vampire: 60k /black noir: 42k /adurite antler 11k /stitch face 4k / account has 110k value and the highest it had was 500k value with dominus praefectus displayed on profile and other more expensive Limited's

    I got beamed so I have quitted the game and want to trade it in for like a Og Fortnite account or something here's the profile B6der and my discord is YSL#8246

    # #/UseIllustrious6090
    # .
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