Selling  Trading Trading or Selling RB2 Blader, Fbr Lvl 63 + lvl 94 Full gears Astra

Discussion in 'Avabel Lupinus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alfred Just, 12/15/17.

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  1. Alfred Just

    Alfred Just
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    Trading these two account or selling for $70 Maximum. Contact is Line ID: crusher001 or FB account : Zhao Zilong.

    Main account has 2 Rebirth Blader and Fire Bringer and now in Paladin. Account has 6-8 star equip Astra arms Full Dex and Int.
    damage max is 2k each to 4K crit using 2h Sword in storage

    second Account is Lvl 94 Priest no rebirth but has 10* Astra 2 h rod for Lvl 100 Rifted. Account is Full Vit and tank type with 27k HP. It also has 10* Astra Cap and 6-9 Astra amors. Heals are total of 2k to 3k each

    Storage includes Rb crystals, Evo gaunge and more. It also has stacks of Red/Blue pills and HP/SP Pots M, L and R.

    Both accounts are link so the same storage.
    Account is a veteran and I have played this since 2013 April while this game was released on February 2013. I do not have the time to do this Because of studies. Crystal arms have 7-10 rune arms and Element has 6-9 Astra arms. I do not have a lot of avatars as I only spin for Astra equip.
    Gold frequency is total of 100mil +
    Ex skill rings Frequency : blader ex skill and ex skill FBr

    This is the information for Trading different accounts.
    I need at least 1 Rb4+ Healer( Acolyte character with decent Astra arms with Full Vit and at least 1 or 2 Ex skill or Evolution gaunge minimum of 10.

    Message me in Line: crusher001
    Or FB : zhao zilong
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