Sold Trading OO Looking to Trade or Sell ilvl 840 DH with Legendary Cloak for BDO

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ukamii, 11/4/16.

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  1. ukamii

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    Hey how's it going. I'm looking to trade my ilvl 840 Vengeance DH with the Legendary Cloak for a Black Desert Online account.

    The account also has: 2 level 100-102 alts. A Feral Druid and Prot Pally.

    Other games on the account are: Decent Hearthstone account, Overwatch account with a few good legendary skins, and diablo 3 with the expansion, played the past 4 seasons competitively(many achievements)

    Currently the account does not have gametime but I will add 30 days in the next coming day or 2(as of posting this)

    I am completely the original owner of this account so there is nothing to worry about in that respect.

    In the case of selling, I am looking to get at least 200(willing to negotiate) out of this account PAYPAL ONLY, and ONLY with goods and services in the case that you have less rep than me.
    In the case of trading, I will only take a Black Desert Online account on NA, must have an email that can be given to me, and it must be around 300+ gear score, have costumes. Bonuses include: Alts, High Level, Boss Gear, Plenty of silver.

    Please message me on skype: brandotaekwondo
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