Sold Trading Old account

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by deadkid, 5/19/17.

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  1. deadkid

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    Hello i have a rank 93 NA account that im trading for it has
    80: os sinon
    80: sao klien
    80: rain
    80: ranked yui
    80: os asuna (with her weapon
    80: ranked kirito
    80: ninja asuna
    80: yuna (no duh)
    100: os silica (with her weapon)
    100: fairy dance kirito
    100: captive princess asuna (i think thats her name)
    100: rechka
    100: fire furry silica
    if anyone has any offers for this account or wants to see a screen shot as proof send an email to [email protected]
    Im a pretty lenient person so almost anyone is welcome to ask just 1 requirement
    have a good amount of 4 stars for these 13 have like 7 or 8 ( one of the characters im more or less interested in is alo kirito since i herd he is decent but none the less almost everything is welcome)
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