Alright so basically I am quitting runescape so I want to get rid of the rsgp on it. The account has 15M left. and I want Maplestory Mesos for it. The server im on is Chaos (maplestory) ~Conversion~ 1M rsgp = 50M mesos 5M rsps = 250M mesos 10M rsps = 500M mesos 15M rsps = 750 mesos btw those ^ conversions don't have to be exactly like that. what I mean is if you want say, 11M rsgp, then you pay me 550 mesos. (just as an example) also, first come, first served. Conditions are you go first, You'll just have to trust that I'll pay up as soon as you do. Comment below how much rsgp you want. Obviously you'll need maplestory downloaded. Once you comment we'll discuss further through email.