Selling trading my col2 account im th12 going to th13 2015...

Discussion in 'Clash of Lords Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dawson Norman, 5/28/16.

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  1. Dawson Norman

    Dawson Norman
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    trading my col2 account im th12 going to th13 2015 trophies lvl 55 heros are Pan Goli lvl 132 skill lvl 9 evolve gemini Renne Ven lvl 122 Skill 6/20 evlove aries Landslide lvl 122 Skill 8/20 Evolve Taurus Demon Slayer lvl 120 skill 7/20 evolve taurus Abyss Demon lvl 120 skill 6/20 Enchantress lvl 120 skill 5/20 evolve aries The Berserker lvl 120 skill 7/20 taurus and last Djinni lvl 115 skill 8/20 evolve taurus
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    Dawson Norman

    Dawson Norman
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    trying to trade for a great sage abyss demon and what ever else account
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  3. OP
    Gvud Vucuc

    Gvud Vucuc
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    Hey im intersted
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