Trading  Global   Android and iOS Trading my account for beach leafa

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Integral Factor Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zer0Insanity, 7/8/18.

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  1. Zer0Insanity

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    Hey so I’m trading my current account for a reroll/mid-game account with the following requirements:

    - Beach Leafa (otherwise known as “Summer Shot” Leafa) (reroll or mid-game, preferably mid-game but a reroll is fine too)

    Having Beach Leafa along with any one of these following 5* cards will guarantee you the trade, unless of course someone else beat you to it: (Black Spear) Silica, (Serene Lancer) Leafa, (Golden Hair Guardian) Leafa, (Summer Drink) Silica, (Azure Pursuit) Sachi, (Shy Xmas) Sachi, (First Bite) Leafa, (Flapper Spear) Lisbeth, (Charming Knight) Silica, (Sylph of Spring Sky) Leafa, (Leaping Sword) Leafa, (Armored Maiden) Leathen, (Love Sickle) Lisbeth, (Happy Time) Leafa

    Obviously you don’t need to have one of these units along with Beach Leafa, but you have a higher chance of getting the account with one of them.

    So here’s the account I’m trading for it:

    Currently level 64 with floor 8 not touched. Decent equipment with an OK amount of mats.

    Comment below your offer or PM me, either way is fine.
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