Trading  Average  PS4  1-6 Hours Trading my account for an account that just has ghoul trooper and the reaper pickaxe.

Discussion in 'Fortnite Items / Materials / Traps / Weapons - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by will334343434, 8/8/18.

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  1. will334343434

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    Im looking for an account that has ghoul trooper and the reaper pickaxe on it.
    El Bones#9087 is my discord, msg me if your interested.
    You go first.
    Screenshot - 3982d9c433fd754447b857932f40c499 - Gyazo - Dances
    Screenshot - ec91730a1b90eaa5d45b42a02ca37446 - Gyazo - more dances
    Screenshot - cf72b045634b5b5f5d2460530cbb8d14 - Gyazo - Pickaxes
    Screen capture - 3266da48e2df9304eb72b00410a9c04c - Gyazo - Skins
    Screenshot - 775ce08bfad2553c51d145e6c20132a0 - Gyazo - Level and tier

    I was tier 70 s2, 100 s3, s4 and s5. I got max omega and drift, and i have mask for ragnarok in s5.

    The account has mako glider to prove that the account is s1
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