Hi Im trading my level 99 Runescape account for a Gunz account. The Gunz account must be level 60+ with prems. The prems must include one full set of armor, or the equivilent in G coins. The RS account comes with 3 Mill cash and 6 Mill in items including a whip and barrows armor. Add me on msn for more information. Thanks khan008 added 1 Minutes and 44 Seconds later... Ive just uploaded a picture, I can upload more if you want. Thanks HEY I GIVE YOU A LVL 51 FEMALES WITH LVL 44 MALE HAS LOADS OF PREMS CHECK IT OUT ON THE LINK BELOW WILL USE MM YOU PAY FEES . Link: MSN: Originally Posted by capper4lyf HEY I GIVE YOU A LVL 51 FEMALES WITH LVL 44 MALE HAS LOADS OF PREMS CHECK IT OUT ON THE LINK BELOW WILL USE MM YOU PAY FEES . Link: MSN: Hi, thanks for the offer, but because the account level is not what i am looking for, I will only be able to offer RSGP. Please contact me if your still interested. Thanks khan008 added 376 Minutes and 39 Seconds later... bump bumpy