Selling Trading Lvl 70 leglvl 19 trading.

Discussion in 'Goodgame Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dexter2x, 4/21/17.

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  1. Dexter2x

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    Hey guys I'm willing to trade my lvl70 leglvl 19 acc for any other account in and other server. It should be lvl 60 + , my as is in IN1.Specification:
    >decent commanders you can fix it up in any way you want.
    >Its currently burning and it has no ops; sorry its war and were stolen.

    I'm. Also. Willing to give it for free to only experience players because even though it is in bad condition it took me time to make it :p

    Contact me at :
    [email protected] OR
    Artillery1o1 in Skype.
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