Trading lvl 50 female for lvl 45+ male

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/2/14.

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  1. Games

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    [ijji gunz]

    I play better with a male character, so I'm looking to trade my level 50 female account with desert flame set for a male account with one prem set (has to be level 45+).

    i have only lvl 50 male account but no prem or g coin msn

    i got a lvl 42, with prems

    I say the easiest way is to make a whole new account :) and super quest with a friend.. awesome xp.. if you use the 20 delay dagger =) Just a suggestion :p

    but playing quest u need a lot of time to lvl up it

    msn me

    i have a lv 45 male with gunner heaven set, dark karma and iron crow machine

    sorry guys.. i just traded for a lvl 50 male on mc

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