Sold Trading Looking for an account with Xmas Hallibel and Swimsuit Nel

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by frogzx, 7/3/17.

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  1. frogzx

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    Have been gone from BBS for a while, want to get back into the game and am looking for an account with these two units. I'll have to ask that you go first unless you have rep here. I have a little rep over at the proboards for BBS, if that helps. Also the account must be linked to Klab only. If it's linked to anything else, i'll need those accounts as well. Doesn't matter if the account is on Global or Japan, I can work with either.

    BBS (Pretty outdated screens, and I have more without screenshots. Account 1 has all normal main story complete, past chapter 9 hard should be untouched. Can give more screenshots of them if someone takes interest):
    Hunter x Hunter BAS: (Has quite a few more units now)
    Kingdom Hearts Unchained JP:
    Puzzles and Dragons JP: (303k FP now)
    Dokkan Battle JP:
    One Piece TC JP: (Quite a few maxed raids and maxed units overall. Now also has legend Sanji, Barto, Lucci, and Log Luffy)
    Shinobi Nightmare (screenshots coming soon)
    Naruto Ultimate Blazing Global (only considering, not sure if I want to actually trade it): Abilities: Itachi (2), Kid Kakashi (1), Temari (1), Neji (1), Skill Sakura (1), Obito (1), Ino (1).

    There's probably more that i'm forgetting so more will most likely be added later along with screenshots. If anyone takes interest, let me know if there is something specific you want to see!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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