Sold Trading LoL Account for a copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 for PS4

Discussion in 'Red Dead Redemption 2 RDR2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by /u/DuarteNGS, 9/14/19.

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  1. /u/DuarteNGS

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    I've got a League of Legends account with a bunch of champions and skins that might be worth for someone. I've used multiple online calculators and most say that the price of this account is between 35-60 euros. But I don't care about money, I'm looking to get a copy of RDR2 for the PlayStation 4. I just purchased the console two days ago and it came with no games. I would appreciate it a lot if someone wanted to trade with me. Thank you.

    Information about the account

    LEVEL: 55


    - Olaf

    - Udyr

    - Gangplank

    - Sona

    - Urgot

    - Shen

    - Ziggs

    - Braum

    - Ryze

    - Ornn

    - Lux

    - Morgana

    - Wukong

    - Ashe

    - Gragas

    - Tristana

    - Darius

    - Blitzcrank

    - Nuno & Willump

    - Xin Zhao

    - Lucian

    - Sivir

    - Varus

    - Yorick

    - LeBlanc

    - Nidalee

    - Bard

    - Warwick

    - Trundle

    - Malphite

    - Shyvana

    - Teemo

    - Alistar

    - Hecarim

    - Akali

    - Corki

    - Karthus

    - Singed

    - Vayne

    - Twitch

    - Shaco

    - Riven

    - Kai'Sa

    - Renekton

    - Maokai

    - Zilean

    - Dr. Mundo

    - Twisted Fate

    - Soraka

    - Jax

    - Tryndamere

    - Kayle

    - Fiddlesticks

    - Taric

    - Heimerdinger

    - Evelyn

    - Amumu

    - Veigar

    - Master Yi

    - Poppy

    - Mordekaiser

    - Sion

    - Janna

    - Katarina

    - Annie

    - Lee Sin

    - Syndra

    - Cho'Gath

    - Rammus

    - Rumble

    - Garen

    - Nasus

    - Galio

    - Karma

    - Miss Fortune

    SKINS: 17

    - Spirit Guard Udyr

    - Pool Party Ziggs

    - Blackthorn Morgana

    - Arctic Ops Varus

    - Arcade Hecarim

    - Captain Gangplank

    - Special Forces Gangplank

    - Jade Dragon Wukong

    - Riot Girl Tristana

    - Riot Blitzcrank

    - Leopard Nidalee

    - Grey Warwick

    - Lil' Slugger Trundle

    - Unchained Alistar

    - Blood Moon Akali

    - Rune Wars Renekton

    - Dreadknight Garen

    # #/DuarteNGS
    # .
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