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Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by smallcup812, 9/28/17.

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  1. smallcup812

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    Hello, everyone.
    This is FlamingBeach.
    First, I am sorry for using tons of megaphone advertising this new gamble thing since few days ago.

    This post is for the purpose of introducing the game.

    Fortune HP Token has 50/50 chance of heal or thunder upon usage.

    This is how the game goes.

    1. Players bet (Minimum 1m)
    2 or 3. Dealer and a player enter training room.
    3 or 2. Player chooses which side they want to bet. (Thunder or Heal)
    4. Dealer uses Fortune HP coin (Both people can see the Token Usage Effect)
    5. If player guessed it right, he wins 1.9x of his bet. From here, he can choose to take or keep going.
    6. If he wins again, the money will be (Bet x 1.9 x 1.9), if he loses, it is 0.


    It is pretty much fun xD

    I hope this gets famous and many credible dealers appear.

    Thank you :)
    Have a wonderful day!
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