Trading [H] LoL Accounts NA / EUNE / PBE [W] Overwatch account or key

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BlueBloodAccountShop, 5/21/17.

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  1. BlueBloodAccountShop

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    I'm looking for an Overwatch account. Rank is not important, level too. You can also give me a fresh account with 0 games played or an overwatch key (Even if it isn't Origins Edition).

    The Ow (Blizzard) account must have a free name change and I want full access of it

    These are my League of Legends accounts for trade:
    You will have full mail and password access

    1) 26 Level | Ufo Corki Skin | 8009 IP | 5 Champions | 1 Skin | 3 Runes Pages
    2) 25 Level | 9 Champions | 10 Skins | 686 IP | 450 RP
    3) 29 Level | 20 Champions | 5 Skins | 592 IP | 199 RP
    4) 2 Level | Silver Kayle Skin | 21 Champions | 3 Runes Pages | Free summoner name change

    3 PBE Accounts : Pbe is a league of legends test server when you can try new features before they get released on the official servers (Like new champions, new skins, new gamemodes)

    1) 30 Level | 17 Champions | 3 Skins | 3774 IP | 900 RP

    I can also offer :
    NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst | Steam key

    PLEASE, if you have no feedback at all here or on other trading forums, do not contact me.
    I'm looking to trade with trusted members
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