Selling Trading (H) Frostbite AR-15 (W) CSGO Items

Discussion in 'H1Z1 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Imp_God, 4/25/17.

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  1. Imp_God

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    Hey all, I'm looking to trade my Frostbite AR-15 in H1Z1 Kotk for just about any CS:GO Offers I can get, I'm really looking for an M9 Bayonet | Doppler (FN). If you offer this I can also throw in a Hunstman | Case Hardened (WW).

    This makes the total on my end about $300, So you can trade the M9 Bayonet (about $250) then throw in a few more cheap csgo or h1 skins to even it up to around $300 on your end and we can have a nice successful trade!

    I'm looking for any offers I can get, but I'd really like the M9!

    Add me on steam and make some offers:

    - Thanks
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