Trading Gunbound World Champion For A Runescape Account

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hey I'm trading my gunbound world champion account for a runescape account. Gunbound World Champion is the same as the ijji so theres no difference. I have many rare cash items in it like black pheonix, green pheonix, seon nyo body, seon nyo head, cheif head and more. I could supply you with more cash for gunbound World Champion but you will need to add more to your offer. You can find more about Gunbound World Chapion at ***************************************************** You can change the character name if you don't like it. All you have to do is pay 10k GOLD not CASH which the account already has.

    Here are some pictures of my account:






    I wonder if you accept Tibia/Steam/Darkeden or even maybe something else i may still have left :)
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