Selling Trading for a jp that has the new Soi...

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Demetrius Gibson, 6/30/16.

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  1. Demetrius Gibson

    Demetrius Gibson
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    Trading for a jp that has the new Soi Fon/Shinji or Gin (only need one of the new 5 stars but if you do the new soul reaper challenges and if you get anyone other than Soi Fon please pick Ichigo or Byakuya because they are the only ones that go six star, and I'm only trading for accounts that are linked to klab
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    Sirine Rezzik

    Sirine Rezzik
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    Pm me please
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    Sirine Rezzik

    Sirine Rezzik
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    I have the new Shinji
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    Demetrius Gibson

    Demetrius Gibson
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