Selling Trading [en] rank 279, 47 urs, 7 ssr, 264 srs. Lf: Equal whale acc

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nelia, 5/3/17.

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  1. Nelia

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    I have a very special whale account that i am considering trading for the right offer. It is highly competitive and very easy to tier with. Has many rare/old SR's such as ghost nozomi. I am looking for something less SR heavy with more UR's instead so a bit of SS abuse is okay as long as the UR's are idolized (most by copy) Includes 4BT & 25 loveca at the moment. Screenhots: You can reach me on Instagram. @Skyelovelive :) Let me know if there are any questions :)
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