Sold [Trading] Blade Master 50 HM6 482 AP // EU Highland Gate // Lvl 45 Warlock

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aesify, 8/11/16.

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  1. Aesify

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    Hello i am looking to trade my blade master for a soul fighter. BM is level 50 + HM6 (hasnt completed act 5 or 6 so you can easily get 1.5-2 more levels). Rank 3 premium. Has pirate weapon. Has 200+ naryu silver so if you wanna buy anything from the achievment vendor you are set. Also has 64 dragon certificates incase you are a pvper. I'll also leave the character with around 100+ gold and 150 gold in items you can easily sell. BM also has couple of rare costumes that you can see in the pictures (Also has first mate helm in the chest that you cant see). It also has a 45 Hm1 warlock that i havent played in ages if you care

    Send me a private message or leave a messege below if you are interested and want to contact me i check the site pretty often
    #1 Aesify, 8/11/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/17/16
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