Sold Trading Added gold, gem 30% # for games on mobile IOS and Android

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tranthaonb88, 3/23/17.

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  1. tranthaonb88

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    Hello everybody,
    I accept gold, gem for all mobile games on ios and android.
    When loading any gold package, gem will be given a 30% #.
    Please inbox for me or contact the information below:
    Zalo: 0904 837 213
    Skype: demonwasp_it
    List of games:
    Clash for Dawn: Guild Wars
    Legacy of Discord
    Thieu Dai Song Kieu
    Do Phong Phong Vo
    Bá Dao Chi Mong
    Dungeon Rush
    Bigo Live
    Leauge of Angels
    Marvel Contest of Chapion
    Hyper Heroes
    Kingdom Warriors
    Texas Poker VN
    Taichi Panda
    Rise of Darkness
    Magic Rush
    Dungeon Rush
    Armed Heroes
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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