Account 1: Ar 54 -America: Hu tao, raiden, kazuha, venti, zhongli, jean, qiqi, diluc+ skin, thundering pulse, pjws, skyward atlas, staff of the scarlet sands, summit shaper x2 (not refined) -!This account needs work and is under levelled in most aspects, would only really be good if you want to work on the account and for the characters! Account 2: starter (all ar 5-15) -Multi server account -Asia:Shenhe -America:Cyno, qiqi, skyward blade -Europe: skyward spine Account 3: starter (ar 5?) -America: Diluc Account 4: starter (both ar 5) -multi server account -Asia: qiqi -America: jean Account 5: Mid starter- ar 35-45 (have to check exact) -America: Jean+ qiqi Account 6: Mid starter (ar 34) -Asia: Venti, qiqi, diluc? Account 6: Starter/ mis starter? ar 28 -Asia: Ayaka+ amos bow !This account has a # abyss but I have owned this account for months with no issues! # #/idkanamesendhelp . .