Hi! I am willing to trade some of my accounts for a lvl 50+account with prems. I have a Sf account Rs account wow account and cs account! My sf is a major ( i have a seargent for thoose who dont have lvl 50+) My rs is a lvl 78 (i have a lvl 38 for thooose who dont have lvl 50+) my wow is lvl 58 and the cs account is still valid ( it is a steam account0 So even thought your account is not lvl 50+ just email me well make a deal! But if u are lvl 45+ and u have prems it should be okay! Email me at ! thanks ADDED you talked for a sec and you went offline Originally Posted by DeadRights ADDED you talked for a sec and you went offline Sorry busy doin homework. is it your email+msn? (i added you to my friends list on msn) my MSN messenger and my hotmail. ok... i jst added u... i got pretty good offer=] still up fro grabs! anyone??