Trading A Gold Axe Gb Account For A Rakion Account

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I am trading a GOLD AXE gb account for a RAKON account which is above level 25 or give me DETAILS about the RAKION account and i will think about it.

    hey i will trade ya... i have a lvl 30 ninja, equipped with a lvl 17 Panzer, and around 65k gold, a lvl 22 Archer , and a lvl 32 Blacksmith =) , The black smith is 14/50 ATtack speed, 50/50 Special Attack, and 34/50 Basic Attack, THe ninja has 50/50 Grip Attack, and 25/50 move speed, the lvl 20 archer is 50/50 Basic attack and is 30/50 on Attack speed.. well hope your intrested

    OK man i am ready to trade with u but listen up i aint have any gold in my gunbound account so u gotta play and rule and actually u just need a little gp to double my rank up and abt de trade just PM me ok.
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